
10 Cheap Upgrades for a Fast Home Sale

Whether you're planning to downsize now that the kids have moved out or you're ready to move to your ideal…

Low-Maintenance Grass and Garden Alternatives

Arid and semiarid climates like those found in much of the American West exhibit three main traits: low precipitation rates,…

How to Organize a Closet

Learning how to organize a closet has gone from a boring, household chore to a hot, potentially life-changing trend over…

20 Tips for Prepping Your Home Before Going on Vacation

“Oh, I forgot to clean the lint basket in the dryer. If someone broke into the house and did laundry,…

5 Creepy Crawly Pests to Watch for in Your Home

No homeowner wants uninvited guests of the creeping, crawling variety to take up residence in their home. Not only are…

Which Home Is Right for You in Retirement? Pros and Cons of Different Home Types

Although finding a new home is exciting, it can be quite a task to decide between the many types of…

10 Surprising Things That Can Affect Your Home Insurance

Every homeowner hopes to never have to file a home insurance claim, but accidents do happen, and some factors increase…

What to Do Immediately After a Winter Storm

Old Man Winter has a nasty habit of blowing into town when we least expect him, which means we may…

What to Do Immediately After a Wildfire

If you live in an area prone to wildfires, it’s essential that you know how to keep your family members…

What to Do Immediately After an Earthquake

Most people are familiar with earthquakes. There's rarely any warning that one is about to occur, and then suddenly, the…