Categories: Design

What You Need to Know About Universal Design

Most of us are living busy lives with work, children and grandchildren in and out of the house, volunteering, and perhaps providing care to older relatives. This is why you should consider universal design if you are embarking on a home remodel.

Universal (or livable) design provides immediate benefits and is meant to accommodate all age groups. It will make it easier for older family members to visit, and for young children to reach items in your kitchen and bathroom. And, most important, it will prepare you for the future. Here are 3 things about universal design to consider when planning a remodel:

1. It’s good for everyone.

Typical homes are designed to fit “average” families. Yet some of their features don’t fit anyone at all. Deep kitchen cabinets with fixed shelves, for example, are difficult to access regardless of your age or size. Universally designed cabinets, which include pull-out drawers and easy-to-grab handles, are convenient for most everyone. A universally designed home works well for all ages.

2. It’s especially important as we age.

Although many of us remain healthy and active as we age, we may still experience changes in strength, reach, flexibility and balance. Universal design features make it easier to adjust to these changes; our living environment accommodates them rather than creating barriers. And if we do have age-related health conditions, these features are even more important as they allow us to live comfortably, conveniently, and safely in home for a lifetime.

3. It’s easy to incorporate into your home.

A kitchen or bathroom remodel is a great time to incorporate universal design features. Not remodeling now? Some changes, like updating faucets and handles, can be made at any time. You’ll be amazed at the positive impact even simple changes can make—and how stylish and attractive your home can be.

To learn more about universal design in the kitchen and bathroom, check out Remodeling Today for a Better Tomorrow.

Extra Mile:
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