
9 Ways to Save Money and Stay Warm This Winter

As temperatures drop, you might be tempted to crank up the heat to stay warm and cozy in your home.…

11 Simple Tips to Reduce Your Household Waste

Are you interested in finding out how to reduce your environmental footprint? Or, at least how to have less trash…

Should You Consider Solar Power For Your Home? Read This Before Installing Residential Solar Panels

Michael and Jill Goodrich-Stuart live in their second solar-powered home. Their first one was a new build in an all-solar…

Thinking About Where You Want to Live in the Future?

How do you know where you might live most happily? The choices are numerous enough to make your head spin.…

Beware of Scammers During Times of Crisis

In 2008, after Hurricane Ike turned inland and unleashed 75-mile-per-hour winds on the midwest, 2.6 million homes in Ohio—including my…

How to Keep Your Home’s Pipes From Freezing (and Other Pipe Maintenance Tips)

Your home may be furnished with cozy furniture and stylish decor, but your comfort truly depends on the reliability of…

Home Money Pits: Protect Yourself From Unexpected Expenses

When major household repairs and projects go awry, the unexpected expenses can place a tremendous strain on your home life.…

Nine Money-Saving Tactics and Tools to Stay Cool

In the heat of the summer months, many of us feel tempted to turn our thermostat down just two or…

5 Creepy Crawly Pests to Watch for in Your Home

No homeowner wants uninvited guests of the creeping, crawling variety to take up residence in their home. Not only are…

Tips to Prevent Equipment Breakdown

Is your refrigerator running? No, seriously, is it? Folks rarely think about the health of the appliances in their home,…