brain teaser

Brain Teaser: Arrow Maze

From ancient labyrinths to modern-day mouse mazes and festive corn fields, pathway puzzles have been part of human culture for…

Brain Teaser: Guess The Famous House

Winter Word Search Game

Play against the clock and see how quickly you can find all the winter holiday-related words in our Winter Word…

Car Dashboard Quiz

Dovetailed Words Brain Teaser

What's black, white and good for your health? Our newest brain teaser! Research has shown that brain games, like word…

Bull’s-Eye Letter Brain Teaser

Do you struggle with spelling mistakes or remembering words? You're not alone. Scientists have found this to be true as…

Motor Memory Game

Is your memory middle of the road or full speed ahead?

Brain Teaser: Find the Matching Designs

Can you spot the difference?

Brain Teaser: Can You Balance The Scales?

What do you think of when you hear the word balance? Lounging on a hammock with a loved one? Or…

Brain Teaser: What’s the Mystery Number?

Do you hate being kept in the dark? An unsolved mystery can haunt you, rattling around in your brain like…

Brain Teaser: The United (Coded) States of America

Do you love word puzzles and cracking codes? How about geography or traveling? If you answered yes to any, or…