Distracted Driving

New Car Tech Headed Our Way

Many car buyers make purchasing decisions based on the car tech fitted to their new ride. In fact, nearly 60…

How Distracted Driving Can Affect Your Insurance

Most drivers are aware of the dangers of driving while distracted. However, something that many drivers don't realize is that…

Distracted Driving: It’s Not Just Your Cellphone

Distracted driving has been a matter of concern ever since the first automobiles rolled off the assembly line. In the…

Why a Hands Free Device May Still Distract Drivers

Think your hands free device makes it safer to use your cell phone while driving? Think again. As it turns…

Freeway Frustrations: How to Cope with Road Rage

Road rage. It's a familiar fear for anyone who's driven a car, and it's re-enforced by all-too-frequent headlines. Though not…

How to Avoid Drowsy Driving

Sooner or later it happens to all of us - drowsy driving. Our mind wanders and our eyelids feel heavy.…