Home Maintenance

Step Into Spring: Maintenance Tips for Decks, Patios and Outdoor Spaces

Now that leaves are sprouting and buds are blooming, the chirps of those morning songbirds have likely put a spring…

The Perfect Playlist for Spring Cleaning

Are you gearing up for spring cleaning? It may feel like a daunting task, but the perfect playlist can help…

Home Maintenance: When DIY is a Don’t

There are many factors to consider when deciding whether to do a project yourself (DIY) or outsource home maintenance tasks.…

Have You Checked the Roof Over Your Head? Here’s What to Look For

One of the most common mistakes homeowners make is to wait until they see a leak inside their home before…

A 14-Point Checklist to Prepare Your Home for Fall

Fall is a favorite season for many, especially early fall. Maybe it’s because the sweltering heat and the humidity of…

Preparing Your Home and Car for Spring

Spring preparations for your home and car involve more than putting in screen doors and changing out snow tires. In…

Tree Maintenance 101 for Homeowners

That leafy green tree in your yard made you fall in love with your home. It offers beauty, shade and…

Shedding More Light on Daylight Saving Time

Although we dutifully adjust our lives for it twice a year, the whole “Spring forward, fall back” phenomenon can be…

Tips to Prepare Your Air Conditioning Unit for Summer

Warm weather is coming, and the last thing you want to discover as you prepare your home for summer is…

Your Home’s Sump Pump: What You Need to Know

For many homeowners, water in the basement is a concern when we receive a large amount of rain or snow. …

Take a Virtual Tour for 8 Tips to Help Maintain Your Home

Looking for ways to keep your home safe and well maintained? Check out these tips to help make home upkeep…