Landscaping can have numerous benefits. It beautifies your property and can add to the curb appeal and resale value of your home. It also can provide great physical exercise and a connection with nature if you do it yourself.
Whether you rely on your own landscape design skills or hire a professional to implement your vision, you’ll want to consider the implications that your efforts – and how you maintain them—can have on your home.
Here are some tips for reducing the likelihood that you will have a home insurance claim related to landscaping on your property.
Tree Maintenance
Remove any old, dead or rotten trees. It’s best to have these taken down professionally, and as soon as you notice them. Wind damage is one of the most frequent causes of loss and trees blowing over on houses is both common and often preventable.

Trim Those Trees
It’s important to actively maintain and trim the branches of any trees that are right up against your home.
Wind can cause the branches to rub up against the house, causing damage to the paint, gutters or trim. Home insurance would not cover any damages incurred this way, as it would be considered due to wear and tear over an extended period of time.
Additionally, trees situated very close to the house can invite animal activity from squirrels, raccoons and other critters that can enter the home and cause damage and health risks.
Beware of trees that grow close to power lines: if you see branches overhanging the lines, talk to your city or town about options for having the limbs trimmed. Also be sure to note if any of the trees look dead or rotten, which may require their complete removal.
Gas and Sewer Line Protection
Know where the sewer lines run in your yard. This is especially important when planting trees, whose roots can cause pipe clogs and backups. If you move to a new home and are on a town sewer system, be sure to check where the lines run to see if there may be any potential current or future issues with tree roots and your plumbing system.

Know Where the Gas Lines Are
As with your sewer lines, you’ll want to know where the gas lines run on your property to ensure tree roots can’t puncture the lines. Your local gas company can tell you where the lines run underground.
Divert Water Away From Your Home
Run water away from the house. If you do any land alterations, be mindful that the land should always grade away from the home to prevent water intrusion through the foundation. Likewise, your downspouts should run away from the home to prevent rain water from backing up or flooding near the foundation.

Clean Gutters Regularly
Clogged gutters can lead to back up and cause water to enter your home. If it’s safe, you may want to check and clean your gutters several times a year, particularly in the fall in areas where trees shed their leaves. If your gutters are too high to reach safely, you may want to enlist the help of a licensed, insured company to do the work for you.
Avoid mulching too close to the foundation. Mulch can provide a lovely finishing touch for your plantings, but putting it up against the foundation can invite carpenter ants. These insects can nest in wooden clapboards or trim and can cause significant damage if left unchecked.
Maintain Defensible Space Around Your Home
In areas prone to drought and wildfire, creating and maintaining defensible space can dramatically increase your home’s chance of surviving a wildfire and improves the safety of firefighters defending your property.
There’s nothing wrong with creating a home that’s beautiful inside and out. With proper planning and regular maintenance using the tips above, you can help ensure that your property and your home will remain attractive and claim-free for years to come.
Tip: Be sure to periodically review your homeowners policy to understand what it covers, or speak to your agent or insurance company if you have questions.
What landscaping tips would you add to this list? Let our readers know in the comments!
How to prune apple trees
Very informative reading.
Great to be reformed of some of these tips and advice
Before eliminating dead trees, realize they are the lifeblood for many species that fill critical roles in our ecosystems. For example, dead trees support insects that some woodpeckers use to feed their young. If all dead trees are removed, insects find housing in our homes. Better to keep them in the dead trees!
By killing all bugs, birds, and wildlife, we are destroying the very foundation of l life on this planet. If we wish to survive and have pleasant lives, we need to protect all life forms, even those we have a challenge appreciating.
What about carpenter bees.Big black bumble bees? I have 2 decks. 1 upper deck; 1 lower deck. These bees hover around my upper deck around 11.30am and stay until dusk. It’s annoying and I can’t enjoy my decks. I’ve sprayed and looked for nests but couldn’t find one.The bees are drilling holes in the wood of both decks. Please help
Thank you! Very helpful tips to consider as a homeowner. Seriously consider having a professional install gutter coverings, so you don’t have to climb that ladder. I’ve had them installed and they are a blessing, and “worry free”.
Spray the bees with vinegar
Interesting article. You should have mentioned CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. most towns and states have ordinances/laws that require calling for underground locates. Or if you damage a utility you will have to pay for repairs. And Gas and power can kill.
Good reminders. It wouldn’t hurt to also remind home gardeners to use eye protection, especially when pruning or using powered equipment. Likewise, good gloves — and ear protection when using loud powered equipment. Thanks!
Need fill dirt
Keep shrubs trimmed so they do not obscure windows which could be accessed for home break ins. Shrubs hiding windows would give someone “cover” while breaking into a house.
You need to add : put all flamable containers away from the house
Remove excess clutter around the home and have a fire drill with your family. Discuss what things that are needed to be carried out of the fire sceen.
The article is about Landscaping
My wife tells me that placing mulch too high around the tree trunk will cause rout rot, what is your opinion?
Screen Enclosure is dangerous in a community. The screens blow out, and any objects in the Enclosure blow out too.
Wife is right, keep mulch away from tree trunk to avoid damage from disease and insects that harm trees and bushes.
yes it will, make saucers not volcanoes around you trees. Keep it off the trunk and pull the mulch away from the trunk ground line by about an inch.
My aunt just moved into her dream home and is planning to build this fabulous garden in the backyard. Thanks for the helpful reminder that we should be careful about planting trees where the sewer, pipe, and gas lines are, so we could avoid failure in these systems. I hope she could find design services that prioritize these precautions.
Thank you so much for talking about the importance of trimming trees and what it can do to protect your home. We luckily have three trees around our property that we rely on to keep ourselves cool, so I want to make sure we return the favor by keeping them healthy as well. I initially thought that letting them grow their branches was the best thing to do, but now I know to find a tree trimming expert in the area that can visit our property regularly and have them do some trimming.
Your information is good about locating the gas and sewer lines. In OH and all the states I have lived in you must call a special
phone # (call before you dig )a few weeks before you dig. The three utility companys come out to mark all lines in the yard with flags. It is the law. If you dig and hit a line it will be your financial responsibility to repair all damage.
Make SURE if you choose to take a limb off that is hanging over your property that it doesn’t damage the tree. In California you could have a large bill awaiting you if the tree dies. NEVER top a tree even if it’s hanging over your property — like birch trees sometimes do. When you plant them, thinking they are going to grow straight up, if there is a steady wind, they are going to grow in the direction of the wind. Topping them is a sure fire way to kill them — and you’ll get the bill!
When is the best time to water our lawn? Is it ok to water it when it the lawn is in the shade then have the sun on it for a few hours, or when it is completely in the shade? We’ve heard conflicting stories!
Thank you, Bob & Donna
Hello, Bob and Donna. Here’s a great printable resource from the United States Environmental Protection Agency with tips on maintaining a healthy lawn (reference page 8). Basically, regardless of sun or shade, the best time to water is in the morning.
Thanks for the updated information on Landscaping tips & concerns
Am I required to trim my large tall trees within a certain period,of time, say every 7 years or so, in order to be fully protected under my Hartford policy if they fall and cause property damage or physical harm to anyone? My neighbor dislikes my trees, and told me I have to trim every year or insurance won’t pay.
If the tree limbs are hanging over your property you can trim them or have them cut off. Hopefully your neighbor does not object but if they do object the law is on your side.
We have the same problem and I talked to neighbors and authority. It’s your call in South Carolina anyway. Most neighbors will work with you on these problems.
All good tips. I would add that, some dead or rotten trees could be left standing if they are not a safety hazard. Cavity nesting birds, native tunnel nesting bees (pollinators) and woodpeckers depend on dead trees. Great Horned Owls also my find a great view perched on the top.
I’m from the northeast and have gardened all my life (71 years). Having moved to North Carolina area, I was looking forward to my garden and plants. Pine straw is all new to me along with all the bugs & snakes. That brings new bite problems, mold laying in the ground … I have had more visits to the doctors with fungus and bites … can you address what other gardeners are doing to prevent this themselves? The pine straw was one of the biggest disappointment with what it harbor under it … any suggestions?
Many thanks!
What do I do if the tree on my house belongs to my neighbor?
Hi Denise, we would suggest having a conversation with your neighbor to determine if the tree needs to be trimmed or taken down all together.
I have the same problem. On property owner is Dow Chemical company on one side, and on the other side is a private owner. Neither owner will do anything, and the City of La Marque stated it is a law that they cannot cut the trees on the owners properties. Both lots are empty, and have no houses.