
How to Tame That Kitchen Flame

Meal times are the most cherished part of the day for many people, but preparing a meal also has its…

Protecting the Nest From Fire Danger

Having extended family living under your roof — whether it’s just for a holiday or longer term — can bring…

10 Tips for a Fire-Safe Home

Home fires can be a catastrophic event for any household. A lifetime of memories can be lost before your eyes…

Steps You Can Take Now To Prepare for Storms in the Future

Shoring up your home now can help you to weather any storm — from a tornado to a wildfire to…

Disaster Planning for Your Loved One With Memory Impairment

Natural disasters can be challenging enough to prepare for on your own, but what if you are a family caregiver…

What to Do When a Disaster Is Imminent

It can be tempting to procrastinate planning for difficult situations. Planning a party is one thing, but planning how you…

Keep a Disaster Kit at the Ready: Here’s What It Should Include

If you had to evacuate due to a natural disaster, you would need to take a wide range of items…

Preparing Your Home and Your Family in the Event of a Wildfire

In some areas of the United States, regions that used to have designated “wildfire seasons” are finding that these seasons…

Six Smart Home Technologies to Keep You Safe

Do you rely on an ordinary deadbolt lock, squint through a front door peephole and struggle to remember a long…

9 Ways to Minimize Holiday Fire Risks

The winter holidays are beloved for the warmth and light they bring to a cold, dark season. But this wondrous…