
Preparing Your Home and Car for Spring

Spring preparations for your home and car involve more than putting in screen doors and changing out snow tires. In…

The 30-Day Declutter Challenge

It has perhaps never been easier to accumulate clutter. Even if you're not trying to acquire new possessions, you can…

7 New Uses For Everyday Household Items

From rice to tights, here's how some common household items can help save the day. Rice is good for more…

Home Maintenance: When DIY is a Don’t

There are many factors to consider when deciding whether to do a project yourself (DIY) or outsource home maintenance tasks.…

Get Rid of Clutter in 10 Quick and Easy Steps

It takes time to get rid of clutter. A lot of people truly enjoy the tasks of sorting, streamlining and…

Have You Checked the Roof Over Your Head (Here’s What to Look For)

One of the most common mistakes homeowners make is to wait until they see a leak inside their home before…

40 Household Items You Probably Need to Replace Right Now

Even the cleanest, most fastidious among us need to replace common household items often - for better health. According to…

How to Declutter Your Home: Nostalgic Items

You've probably heard some version of that old expression about three moves being as bad (or as good) as one…

Tech Decluttering Your Home

Technology can make life more convenient and entertainment more accessible, as well as helping you connect with friends, family, and…

Learn How to Declutter Your Home When Downsizing

There are many reasons why you might choose to declutter your home and whittle down your belongings. Perhaps you’re planning to…