
Your Checklist for Closing Up Your Vacation Home

Owning a vacation home can be wonderful in your retirement. You may be a snowbird who flies south to sunnier,…

Tips to Prepare Your Air Conditioning Unit for Summer

Warm weather is coming, and the last thing you want to discover as you prepare your home for summer is…

Take a Virtual Tour for 8 Tips to Help Maintain Your Home

Looking for ways to keep your home safe and well maintained? Check out these tips to help make home upkeep…

One Weekend to Cleaner Closets

Our closets are often neglected because it's easier to just throw things in them and close the door. While house…

7 Winter Woes (Frozen Pipes Anyone?) and Steps to Help Avoid Them

Here is what you need to know to protect your home in the winter. We've compiled a list of the…

12 Tips to Ice Out Ice This Winter

Don't believe ice is just one of those minor annoyances you must endure. Ice can wreak major havoc on your…

You and Your Smart Home: 15 Gadgets and Why You Should Care

The "smart home" devices market, which is made up of voice assistants, smart appliances and thermostats, home monitoring/security products, and more, is…

Chill in the Air? Here’s How to Safely Heat Your Home and Patio

When the weather turns chilly outside, many homeowners turn to a fireplace, space heater, wood-burning stove or patio heater to…

How to Winterize Your Home

Ice dams and frozen pipes are two of the most damaging disasters that can strike your home in the winter.…

Termites: What You Need to Know

Picture a large, complex society made up of entities that burrow through your yard, swarm around your doors, and lurk…