Did you know adding brain teasers to an active and healthy lifestyle can give your brain power an added boost?
In fact, combining brain games with exercise and other mental stimulation — such as conversing with friends, going to a museum or taking a class — can help build up your cognitive reserves, according to Harvard Health.
The best — and most fun — puzzles challenge your brain in multiple ways. Our Switcheroo brain teaser gives you a word and a number, then switches up the letters in the word to form a new word. You’ll then be given four numbers to choose from. Your goal is to find the number that matches the new word by following the pattern set from the first word and number combination. The best — and most fun — puzzles challenge your brain in multiple ways.
Games like Switcheroo may help minimize those frustrating moments where you’ve got a word “on the tip of your tongue” but can’t quite spit it out. That’s because word games help you exercise the part of the brain that deals with language and make mental connections between words. And number games help your brain by improving your information processing and reasoning skills.
Give it a Shot
After you try your hand at Switcheroo, scroll to the bottom of the page for the correct answers.

Did you give this brain game a go? Please leave a comment to let us know how you did, whether you’re more of a words or numbers person, and which mental skills you’re trying to boost.

Got them all.
got it! I do Sudoku & word puzzles
Very easy. Maybe long words next time?
As a Writer and Copy Editor, I love words; however I am sometimes a bit dyslexic with numbers, so this was a challenge. But I got them all right, with much struggling on number 4, therefore, I thank you for helping me form new neurons!
When I looked a second time I got it.
6 out 8 Good Puzzle
That was fun! I need to do these more often.
Was Fun. Got all answers right. Was surprised as I am an numbers person.
I liked doing this!
I often struggle with “tip of my tongue” answers. I enjoyed the challenge of this puzzle. I had to plan the response format and that took a minute or two. I found that speaking the relationship aloud helped me get correct answers.
Are you kidding? Mind blown!
I have never done anything like this before. I wish there was directions to follow.
It was enjoyable
Good, I enjoyed it. Got them all right.
Awesome Brian tester. The first one took me a bite longer until I figure it out, then after, piece of cake. I love it!
Love brain teasers! Any kind’
Numbers gal here, once I figured out the code, got them all correct. Fun!!
Difficult at first then got the pattern – think I’m number and word person.
First game I’ve ever tried. I enjoyed it. Onward to the next one.
great puzzle, love it
Got them all. It was fun!
The first one was hard, then I found a way to make it easy. Got all of them correctly.
Good one, I did really well!
Got them all
I am both a word/letters and numbers person. Once I saw the pattern in #1, it was easy to get the right answers to all 8.
The challenge was about my level and enjoyed it.
enjoyed it – figured out how to do it immediately but got some wrong because I did not apply rule carefully. Need to work on my ability to concentrate.
Fairly easy I enjoy numbers and letters. Thanks
Loved this game. got pretty good after the first one.
I aced it. I’m a word and numbers person.
It took a few minutes to understand the process, but It was very enjoyable
What fun! Always love a challenge.
I got them all right. I enjoy words better than numbers.
Love these kinds of puzzles.
Love Suduko and games that challenge cogitative thought. This was fun, but not overly difficult. Not that making things difficult makes more fun, just a bit more challenging.
enjoyed it! I like brain games in general.
Good Game
makes me feel so dumb.
A little too simple. If you know how to do one the rest just tedium
love that exercise ,i am trying to boost anything i can for my brain think i like words better
100% – Fun, easy – but hate doing it on the phone – give me paper any day!
I enjoy this sort of puzzle. Keeps the mind sharp. It’s nice to take a few minutes and do something fun. Thank you!
Hard at first … got pretty easy! I liked it and hope to see more like this!
Hard at first … got pretty easy! I liked it!
It was fun.
Missed one. Got all the rest…
I must admit, I really enjoyed that mind Teaser! Had me going for a minute. Thanks, it was fun.
Loved it! I like both words and numbers. Never hurts to give the brain a little help.
Enjoyable fun
I like brain teasers – until I figure out the cipher and then am ready to move onto something else!
My thoughts exactly!
I like numbers but have a hard time with letters. this was a great little puzzle. Thank you
I love this Brain exercise hopefully it will become more challenging next time 🕙
Got them all right.
Good to do…. I can feel the cobwebs clearing out of my brain! Thanks.
I got all correct. Not bad for someone who is 3432 today (hours till I am 100)
Additional personal comment to John M. Moes: Sir, I will be thinking about you and wishing you a happy 100th birthday on October 9, 2021. Praying you stay safe in Jesus’ arms, as you always have been, now and all the way Home!
Intimidated to try at first , but it was fun . The first one was the toughest and then I was was just whipping along on them.
Thanks, this one was easy. Look forward to the next one. I think I’m more of a word person.
Fast and easy. Just the way I like any exercise!
Liked it-
I liked it didn’t understand at first but buy the end of #2i got the rest correct
I figured it out easily and answered them all. I would like more of these exercises.
I love both words and numbers.
Thank you.
It wasn’t too hard to figure out how to do it, then it was easy. I got them right. I’m a numbers person.
Definitely need to do this more often. Had to work at it. 🙁
Good puzzle
I am a numbers person
Liked it. It is like a secret code. I think I am both a word and numbers person.
Easy, a good exercise. Thanks
feel good as I got all correct
Great puzzle.