Are you a fan of game shows? If so, you know how much fun it can be to play along at home, shouting out the answers and dreaming of winning the big prize.
There’s a reason shows like “Jeopardy,” “Password” and “Wheel of Fortune” have such enduring popularity. Not only are games fun, they allow you to sharpen your mental skills while sitting on the couch.
If you enjoy fun challenges like game shows, you might want to add a brain teaser to your regular routine. Along with activities like exercise, meditation and learning a new language or musical instrument, brain games may help improve neuroplasticity.
The word “neuroplasticity” may sound like a high-dollar category on “Jeopardy,” but it’s simply a term that refers to the brain’s ability to adapt, change and grow in response to life experiences. Neuroplasticity involves changes in the brain that are:
- Chemical: These changes happen right away and can spark short-term memory and motor skills.
- Structural: These changes happen over time as the neurons in your brain make new connections.
- Functional: These changes happen when your brain develops new networks in response to new activities you repeat regularly, like “grooves” that get deeper over time.
Want to add word games to your daily schedule to have fun, challenge yourself and help increase your neuroplasticity? Start out with our Bull’s Eye Letter brain teaser.
Let’s Play
In this brain teaser, you can be a star contestant by coming up with the one correct letter. You’ll need this answer to make sense of all the jumbles of letters in each part of the target. When you come up with the correct letter, add it to each group of letters and rearrange each one to form a common word. Hint: the answer is just one letter.
You won’t win fame, money or a five-day tropical vacation, but you may attain an even bigger prize: brainpower.

Check Yourself! Scroll Down for the Answer

How’d you do? Did you figure out the letter and make the correct words? Let us know in the comments.
Got them all correct. Took less than a minute!
That’s awesome, Sandy!
I figured out the letter and got them all right.
That’s great, Evelyn!
I started with mah.Easiest to find the correct letter
I figured out the letter t and all the words.
Got the. T. and got the words maTh, carT, jilT, Tell, Trip, sTay.
Great puzzle- the brain really liked it! Thanks.
“T” was my first choice but didn’t think of jilt. LOL
Yes. Surprised myself and it didn’t take long. Usually do not do well on these things. Finding the T for jilt probably helped.
Sent my comment a minute ago. Forgot to check the box.
Wasn’t difficult…….
Adding –
The Letter “T”.
Figured it was T
This one is really easy. Was fun though.
I knew the letter was T but I was unable to type it on the words or on the center space.
Marilyn – Thanks for reading. This one isn’t interactive, so you were doing it right. Thanks for reading and playing along!
Always amaze myself when I actually figure out puzzles. Thanks for the diversion.
After about 3 or 4 failed letters I got the “T” in about 3 minutes and the words of course
I got them all quite easily
Thanks – I enjoy most of the games you guys send us. Keep it up.
not a problem
Pretty easy!
Got all words, although I started with 3 different letters, ‘t’ was the fit. Proud of myself since I’ll turn 78 in two weeks!
MaryLou – Happy early birthday! Wishing you a year of health and happiness!
Yes, the letter “t” was what I selected to complete this puzzle successfully!
It was pretty easy. It’s too bad the game was nonfunctional.
Gerald – This one isn’t interactive so solving it in your head is the way to go. Nice job! Thanks for playing along.
got them all great game
Yes. Got the letter ‘t’ and then all 6 words. Pretty easy, really.
Thank Robert – this one actually doesn’t have any interactivity so you’re seeing it correctly. Thanks for playing!
Easy challenge. Thanks.
These are hard for me. I did figured it out though. I like the challenge.
Selected the letter “t” to solve the puzzle successfully.
Give me a hard game next time. I ultimately had it solved, mostly by guess and blind luck, in less than a minute. Bring on Ken Jennings!
You can check out our full collection of games and brain teasers here. Enjoy!
Got them all! This was fun. Thanks. I figured out quickly that the letter missing was “T” and then got all the words easily.
Funny, good challenge. Took me just under 5 minutes.
At my age this sort of challenge fits me to a … T!
Finished in about a minute; not as “slow” as I thought, in this stage of my journey!
Bummer, didn’t get it…:(
I didn’t win. S was my immediate letter. It fit everything except jil. I’ve never been good at crossword puzzles or brain teasers but now that I have time, I’m going to start working on sharpening my brain.
I agree with Joyce.
Got them all…started with with word that has a J in it!
Got it after a couple other letters were tried first, but saw they wouldn’t do with each group of three. FUN !!!
Good one! Thanks for the morning jolt.
Too easy but did enjoy it.
Picked “t” at first word, solved in a minute or so. Fun.
Yes I found the letter T and all the six words in about 3 minutes.
Got it!
Not hard. Jil gave it away quickly.
I did figure it out, how do I get to play game again
Victoria – Glad you got it! You can find more games here.
Very easy took a minute, it’s a T
I got it right away. It was nice to find that my brain is working well.
I like the brain teasers as long as they aren’t too hard. I lose patience fast, unfortunately. Anyway, keep them coming.
Not very difficult. The tip-off for me was “Jill”.
Very easy took a minute.
I figured it out in under 3 minutes. Love these games.
That one was easy, but fun. I begin to lose interest if they get really hard.
Got it; but just a lucky guess after looking at the LEL section. Had fun with it.
that was hard.
Really funhard!
Took me a couple minutes, but I got the answer. Nice!
T, in 1 minute. Love all these brain games.
Took a few minutes for me. It’s T
I did solve in about four minutes
I figured out the letter missing was a t.
Send me more word game options.
Dennis – Thanks for playing. Here’s a list of all of our brain teasers:
I started running through the alphabet in my head (some letters were obviously unusable).
As my eyes roamed over the sets of letters a word popped into my head.
i quickly was able to apply the same letter to the other words.
A fun game.
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Check it out and share it with your clients.
Got 5 quickly
This one was actually easy! Fun.
I love this kind of game. They are challenging and help me keep my brain working. I DID SOLVE THE PUZZLE CORRECTLY.