Do you love word puzzles and cracking codes? How about geography or traveling? If you answered yes to any, or all, of the above, then you may also enjoy our newest Coded States brain teaser.
Experts across the globe are researching effective strategies to protect aging brains from memory loss and dementia. “Brain training,” or puzzles and games designed to improve cognitive skills, has been identified as one potential solution.
So put your code-cracking skills to the test, keep your brain sharp and get inspired for your next getaway with our new Coded States brain teaser.
Below, the names of eight U.S. states are listed in a secret code. Can you solve the puzzle and discover the name of each state? Good luck!

Scroll down to find the answers.

Did you crack the code? Where are you going on your next trip, or where did you just get home from? Keep the conversation going in the comments!
I did very well, I got all the states named. I really enjoyed this one.
That was fun!
The Ys kept slowing me down. Especially in New York. But got them all.
I truly enjoyed it. I did mis one -no.7.
I believe Pennsylvania could also be West Virginia (except the break between words)
Great puzzle!
I love puzzles. This was the first time I’ve come across one of these. I spotted Ohio right off the bat. The last one I solved was Vermont, a beautiful state I’ve had the privilege to visit many times. It would be so nice to return this fall.
I cracked the 10 State codes.
I suggest that the puzzle include ‘boxes’ after each State code in order to type in the State name instead of instructing the User to scroll down to see the list of 10 States.
I enjoyed the challenge!
Good brain challenge! I enjoyed it.
I loved this CODE Breakers game.
Please send more games!!
Thank you for that exercise! Better than trying to solve the puzzle on Wheel of Fortune! Keep ’em coming
Our last long road trip started at home on the Mojave Desert, driving up Hwy 395 to Bishop, CA. There we took Hwy 6 and drove east and north to Ely, NV. There we picked up Hwy 93 to West Wendover, NV where we met I-80 and spent the night. Our next day was on I-80 to Evanston, WY where we spent the second night. Small world… we met familiar people there that were headed west toward home. On the third day we went to Rawlins where we headed north on Hwy 287 to Hwy 220 east to Casper, WY. We spent a week with family in the Casper, sampling the cuisine, visiting historical sights and seeing museums. Returning home, we retraced our route to Salt Lake City, UT where we took I-15 south toward Las Vegas, NV. We stayed night at St George, UT before heading south to Barstow, CA where we went west on Hwy 58 to Hwy 395 and north to home. There was a lot to see in a short two weeks.
Got them all! Great brain teaser! Loved it.
I absolutely loved the code breakers! Keep the brainteasers coming!