You know it’s good to move your body and eat well to stay healthy, but are you aware it’s also smart to exercise your brain? Brain games have many benefits, such as keeping your language skills strong.
As you age, you amass a bigger vocabulary but also may make a few more spelling mistakes or struggle to remember words more, one study found. Scientists have even given that vexing issue a name: a “tip-of-tongue experience.”
Games such as crossword puzzles, letter jumbles and word searches rev up the parts of the brain that handle language. That may help to keep your communication sharp in daily life, from remembering how to spell the name of your favorite Italian dish in a recipe to nailing the punch line of a joke.
In the Bull’s-Eye Letter brain teaser, you need to zero in on the one letter you can add to all six groups of letters below to turn them into words.

Answers- The Bull’s-Eye Letter is I: bike, main, lied (or idle), wait, taxi, bill.
Did you give the bullseye brain teaser a shot? Please comment to let us know if you hit the mark. And if you’re a fan of word games, please share the names of some of your favorites.
To fuel your brain with more puzzles, try unscrambling these U.S. Capitals.
Fun Puzzle. Easily solved.
Liked this. Sent an image of it and the Motor Memory Game link to my grandkids (ages 12, 10, 8).
Great! Hope they enjoy!
Love word games. I got it right away. I am going to be 85 Feb 1st. Pretty sharp
for my age. Thanks for the game.
Happy early birthday!
I love crosswords, brain teasers, anything that kicks the brain into action! Keep them coming! Thanks!
Got it…. These games are fun. Please do more.
“I” is the letter. I am in the all. LOL Enjoyed the game, thanks.
OOh, I couldn’t go back and edit that…it should have said I am in them all…..lost the M.
Got it,. it was fun.
I got It…thanks, it was fun!
I figured it out fairly easily, as I knew it had to be a vowel. Fun! Thanks.
Love these puzzles.
Got ’em. ELD is two words, lied and deli.
By eliminating some letters and going through the alphabet, it was easy to find the solution.
Figured it out, and very much enjoyed!
I got it right away. Thanks it was fun❣️
i got it too.
Got it. Love word games. Deli. That’s a good one I picked lied
Liked it.
Yes, hit the mark right off!! Fun!
Got it!
Fun 2 minutes with eyes dilated awaiting the ophthalmologist.
That’s amazing!
Aced it!! Thanks! Word games are my favorite .. have numerous word game apps on my phone!
ELD is also Deli.
Got it! That was fun!
Add the letter I (eye) to each word.
That was fun. I’ve got it too, Yay!
Bill, bike, main, lied, wait & taxi
(showoff) 😂
Got it!! Enjoy word games.
Nice job! So glad you enjoyed it.
Got it! I live puzzles and Love word games!
I got them right.
Got it almost too quickly‼️
Love it!
Lois Tonhauser,FL
Misinterpreted the instructions added different letters to each group to compose a word. Was still able to get a few correct. Enjoyed the mental exercise.