Answers to the 3 brain teasers are at the bottom of page. Good luck!
Brain Teaser #1

Brain Teaser #2
Brain Teaser #3
Can you figure out the sequence of numbers in the diagram and what missing number goes into the space with the question mark?
6 | 7 | 13 |
8 | 4 | 12 |
14 | 11 | ? |
Brain Teaser #1 Which two shapes are identical? | Match is 1 and 6
Brain Teaser #2 Switcheroo Decoding | 1.b;2.c;3.d;4.c;5.a;6.d
Brain Teaser #3 What’s the missing number? | 25: The first and second numbers in each row and column add up to the third
I got ’em all correct…this time! 🙂
T. #1 4 & 6 (in 1 min. too rushed.), T#2 4 min. all correct, T.#3 correct in less than a minute.
Enjoyed the games. Thank you.
Whoopee! Got them all correct
Regarding teaser No. 1, I believe the website’s claim that 1 & 5 are “two of a kind” is wrong. Note that #5 has two green dots at the upper-right and upper-left star tips, making it different than #1. I believe the correct answer is 1 & 6.
Answeer to question 1 should be 1 and 6
Brain Teaser answers:
#1 – Two of a kind = 1 & 5
#2 – 1 B, 2 C, 3 D, 4 C, 5 A, 6 D
#3 – 25
I got them all correct.
That was cool. Keep sending them.
good for a brain teaser?
I got all of them correct
This was fun! I got all three correct! : )
These puzzles were easy and lots of fun. Thank you. Keep them coming!
Got it. Is there a score for time able to solve?
For #3, the answer 5 looks to be a fit also.
I really enjoyed the challenge and was so happy I got them all right especially enjoyed#1 and #3. Send more….
All of my answers are correct. Keep sending. Thanks
These are great fun. Thanks!!
I hate brain teasers, I got them all wrong. But I don’t consider myself challenged in any other way; I drive, paint, very active gardener. Should I be worried?
All correct. Brain still working. Thanks for the challenge.
Love the teasers. Brain cells active still.
I usually don’t do well with brain teasers. Bursting with joy that I got all the correct answers!
I love puzzles such as these. Keep them coming!!!!!
Thank you Rosalie!
Didn’t get 1🙁 2and 3 were challenging but got them correct 😀
Fun challenge.
Please change my email from hotmail to:, closing the hotmail account.
Hello, Gloria. You can resubscribe here.
#1 took longest. #2 easier #3 easiest. All correct, 83 years old . Pleasantly surprised.
Love brain teasers!
Really enjoyed the teasers! Hope to see more.
Very challenging & fun!
The first and second were easy, the third teaser got me.
Enjoyed it. Glad a time limit was given, but I managed to get them all correct.
I like them and am glad you include more to solve. Keep it up.
Got them all right ! 80 years old !
1 & 3 we’re fairly easy 2 took longer — interesting. Sharon
I was surprised at how quickly I figured them out! That was fun!
The first one I got wrong. The other two teasers I got correct. I did enjoy doing them.
I enjoyed the brain teasers !
Brain Teasers are a great way to help keep one’s mind sharper. I find them very enjoyable and fun.
I agree with Bonnie. The third was a true brain teaser.
Love these! Thanks.
I prefer trivia to teasers.
That was fun
Excellent brain teasers….Love ’em!🤔🙄😁
Got ’em all !
These are fun, send them monthly!
Fun #2 and #3 were pretty easy but #1 took a while!
There should be a way to enter answers directly on the screen instead of paper and pencil.
Good morning wake up. Thank you!
love these. is there a time limit?
I like the brain teasers.
The first and last were very easy for me . I h to think a little bit decoding .