Consider Reevaluating Car Insurance Coverage as Your Vehicle Ages

When you buy a new car it’s important to make sure it carries a full range of auto insurance protection, but you can save money by reducing coverage as the vehicle ages.

Some insurance needs relate to the market value of your car and your financial comfort level in paying for repairs or replacement. As the value decreases, you should consider whether some coverages are still necessary.

Optional Car Insurance Coverage vs. Required Coverage

Understanding what is mandatory and what is optional when building your insurance policy may help you save money in the long run.

What Does a Basic Auto Policy Consist Of? 

A basic auto policy consists of bodily and property damage liability, which most states require. This coverage protects you when you injure someone in a car accident or damage their car or property. Each state sets the minimum level of coverage.

Some states also require motorists to carry:

  • Personal injury protection. Provides reimbursement for medical expenses for injuries to you or your passengers.
  • Underinsured or uninsured motorist coverage. Kicks in when a driver with little or no coverage causes injuries or property damage. Uninsured motorist property damage coverage is not available in some states. However, it is available in states that don’t require personal injury protection or underinsured/uninsured motorist coverage.

What Are Optional Auto Coverages?

While there may be other optional coverages available, many drivers add optional collision and comprehensive coverage for added protection.

  • Collision pays for repairing or replacing your car no matter who is at fault.
  • Comprehensive pays for losses not caused by collisions, such as fire, theft, vandalism, animal strikes and broken glass.

While these coverages work well for newer cars, they may not make sense for older vehicles depending on your financial situation.

No matter how much coverage you have, your insurer won’t pay more than what your car is worth unless you add an additional replacement cost to your policy. Insurers often declare older vehicles to be total losses when the cost of repair exceeds their market value, noted Amy Bach, executive director of the United Policyholders insurance consumer group. In such cases:

  • You receive a check equal to your car’s actual cash value, less your deductible.
  • The vehicle goes to a salvage yard.

What Is Gap Insurance and Do You Need It? 

Sometimes drivers owe a lender more than the actual value of their vehicle. If this is the case with your car, consider buying gap insurance. If your car is totaled, this policy will pay the difference between the actual cash value of your car and what you owe the lender.

“Anytime you have a lien, understand the fact that the insurance company will pay you what the car is worth, but your car loan may be more than that,” said Walker.

You can research how much your car is worth by contacting local auto dealers. Another way is by consulting auto buyer guides, such as the National Automobile Dealers Association or Kelley Blue Book.

When Collision and Comprehension Coverage May Be Required on Your Older Car

When you’re paying off an auto loan or leasing a vehicle, you may be required to carry collision and comprehensive coverage, in addition to liability insurance. Lenders need to protect their financial interest in your vehicle until your loan is repaid. Once you own your car free and clear, you can decide whether cost of collision and comprehensive is worthwhile.

Auto loan or lease coverage may be available in your state, which covers unpaid amounts remaining on a loan in the event of a total loss. It also covers overdue lease or loan payments, financial penalties, security deposits that are not refunded and more.

The Right Amount of Coverage for Your Older Car 

If you buy collision and comprehensive coverage for a car that is at least 10 years old and you’re able to cover any repair costs out of pocket, you may be paying too much for car insurance.


Weigh what you are paying in premiums against what you are likely to get back from your insurance if your car is damaged, said Carole Walker, executive director of the Rocky Mountain Insurance Information Association.

The Cost of Comprehensive and Collision Coverages 

The average yearly price of comprehensive coverage on a policy is about $134 while the average price of collision coverage is about $290 per year, according to the Insurance Information Institute. Deductibles for collision and comprehensive typically range from $250 to $500, said Walker. While taking a high deductible can reduce your car insurance rates, be sure to have the funds on hand in case you need to file a policy claim.

“If you drop comprehensive and collision on an older vehicle it can be a smart choice,” she said. “You will save on premiums but understand that you will have to pay for repairs out of pocket, if you need to file a claim.”

Many consumers choose to err on the side of caution by keeping collision and comprehensive coverage for older cars, said Bach. The piece of mind gained, may not be worth the money spent if the car is declared a total loss. According to Kiplinger, which publishes financial advice, insurers tend to declare a car to be a total loss if the cost of repair reaches 75 to 80 percent of the car’s retail value, depending on state laws.

Calculate Your Replacement Cost

Before cutting back on coverage for your older car, you should take time to figure out how much it would cost to repair or replace it if you had to cover the amount out of pocket. It may make sense for you to keep full coverage if your older car has maintained a high resale value.

Repairing older cars typically is less costly than newer vehicles, because they use less advanced technology. Replacement parts for older cars typically are less costly also.

Determine Whether Your Older Car is a Classic 

Most cars lose value as they age, but in some cases older cars attain a greater value by achieving classic car status. When that happens, drivers often can find discounts by buying classic car insurance.

Classic cars generally must be at least 25 years old. You typically can find the best price on classic car insurance if you work with an agent who specializes in such policies, said Bach.

Often, insurance companies give classic car owners a price break because (typically) classic cars are:

  • driven less often than most vehicles
  • often pampered, and saved for special occasions
  • less likely to be damaged or totaled in accidents
  • kept in garages, making them less likely to be stolen

Before you buy insurance for a classic car, you may wish to have its value appraised so your policy will accurately reflect its worth. This is especially important if you have made improvements that have increased its value. Given the volatility of the car market, it’s important to have your vehicle appraised annually to ensure you’re getting an accurate value.

If you decide to store your car during harsh winter months, you can save money by suspending your coverage. Just make sure that the car is roadworthy before returning it to the highway in the spring.

Adjust Your Policy

It’s good to periodically reexamine your level of car insurance coverage. As your protection needs change, so can your policy. A good goal is to have adequate coverage, but not more insurance than you need.

A broad range of protection may be the right choice when your car is newer. As your vehicles ages and loses value, and you assess your ability to pay for damages or losses, you can avoid paying for too much coverage by dropping the policy features that no longer make financial sense.

Extra Mile:

View Comments (95)

  • I traveled and my laptop was stolen is this included in my homeowners insurance. Please respond to my 2 concerns. Thank you.

  • I have comprehensive and collision and have had my car serviced and replaced a hose are these services covered by my insurance and do I get a refund.

    • T - For your questions, please give us a call at 800-423-6789 and one of our representatives would be happy to review your coverage with you. Thanks for reading Extra Mile!

  • I think I should reduce the amount of coverage I have on my 2015 Buick as the blue book value of it would not support full coverage any longer.

    Do you agree

    • CJ - Give us a call at 800-423-6789 and one of our customer service representatives would be happy to review your amount of coverage with you. Thank you!

  • Can I have an agent go over my car ins policy to see if there is any ways I can save on my ins premium. For instance, our car loan had been paid off in 2016, our Jeep is a 2016. So do I really need Gap ins,if I read it correctly on what you sent me. Thank you.

    • Charles - Please give our customer service team a call at 800-423-6789 and one of our representatives would be happy to review your policy with you. Thank you!

  • Thank you and I will look at evaluating my policy...This info. Is great knowledge...I'm grateful..

  • I canceled my comprehensive auto insurance due to the fact my Toyota with only 28,000 miles on it is 34 yrs. old, a 1989 Corolla. It is a classic and is in wonderful condition. In the event of vandalism, etc. I see in this. newsletter glass coverage, etc. I still need that comprehensive insurance.

    This is a great Newsletter, thank you, I have learned so much from reading it, I also have put more insurance on my auto policy for liability and extra for medical care in the event of an accident after speaking with my Harford Insurance Agents

  • I own 2014 Toyota Hybrid Prius V and I am contemplating on adjusting my policy by dropping some insurance policy features that no longer worth continuing because of my financial situation - on a fixed income.

    Kindly advice. Thank you.

    • Florencia - Please give our customer service representatives a call at 800-423-6789. They'd be happy to answer any questions about adjusting certain coverages. Thank you!

  • I own a 2002 Toyota Camry LE, I would like to lower my insurance. I use my car only as needed for doctor's appointments, grocery shopping and errands once or twice a week.

    • Hi Vivian - To discuss coverage on your vehicle, please give our reps a call at 800-423-6789. Thanks for reading!

  • I need to reduce my ins costs I cant afford paying 270.00 a month I'm planning on selling ,the Dodge caravan as soon as possible .Can we redeuce the Dodges ins costs

    • William - To discuss your insurance costs in more detail, please contact customer service at 800-423-6789. One of our representatives would be happy to review your policy with you and discuss any discounts you may qualify for. Thanks for reading Extra Mile!

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